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Friday Fashion Lesson: VALENTINO

We made it to Friday. May have been tough for you, productive, or just plain exhausting but we made it hand here we are back with another lesson coming at you to wind down the week. Today I wanted to spotlight the talented designer and brand Valentino Clemente Ludovico Garavant. I wonder if it's ok to just him Val, Whew! Out of respect I'll be good and call him Mr. Valentino. Here are some fast facts: As a the timeless greats he was born and raised in Italy and interned at many different fashion houses wile he developed his style....
Groundhog day every day clothing rut?

Happy Groundhogs day Ya’ll, I’m such a nerd but I actually really love this day for all the foolish and gimmicky ways. I even got up early to watch my man Phil see his shadow and watched the WHOLE. DAMN. CEREMONY over coffee. Fun Fact: he saw his “shadow” but really, they put two scrolls out and whatever one he waddles over too is written in groundhog law. The 1993 movie Groundhog Day with Bill Murry was about repeating the same day over and over and over. Everyone remembers the Alarm going off right? I was...
Five BIG Reasons to Shop Small

Friday Fashion Lesson: Stella McCartney

We’re here again with another Friday Fashion Lesson. One today’s agenda we’re going to learn all about Stella McCartney! Famous Family British designer Stella Nina McCartney was born in September 1971 in London, England. If her last name sounds familiar, it’s because it is! Yes, her father is a member of the iconic all-male rock group “The Beatles” and her mother was an animal rights activist and photography. Fast Lane to Fashion During her senior show at London's Central St. Martins College of Art & Design, she recruited her supermodel frineds Naomi Campbell and Kate Moss...
The Ultimate Guide to a Winter Wardrobe Capsule

First of all: What the heck is a winter wardrobe capsule? Well, let’s start with the disclaimer that if you live in Florida or somewhere sunny all year long, you can modify this system to have longer “seasons.” If you live in a place with changing seasons, you most likely will not need all your clothing all year round! In comes a capsule. With only a few items, suggested to be less than 40, you can have an entire wardrobe for a season of about three months that you can easily put away for other nine. As the summer winds...